the neighborhood: it's a mile from home to St Marys

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday mallwalking

You can't get one of these at the mall. Nest on buckthorn branch (note fruit) that was saved from the fire.

It was still cold yesterday. (This week is supposed to warm up, for which I am all too ready.) There was a wind too. So, regretfully, we abandoned any plan for our Sunday walk in the woods, and drove all the way out to Westtowne. Westowne. Whatever. The regional mall. It's bigger than Hilldale, and we actually had a couple things to shop for, so it made some sense. Skipped the food court, as it was crowded, and who needs the extra smells.

It's been ages since I was there, and the first brisk walk around all the wings took 15 minutes. Maybe a mile? hard to believe. So we did that four times, and only on the last lap slowed down to shop. Jon was looking for crampons at the sporting goods store, which they didn't have. I looked for various stuff. It is surprisingly hard to find a stove-top kettle, the kind that doesn't take up counter space, these days. Williams Sonoma had em for like $150. Yeah, right.

Then we went over to Hilldale, for groceries. Another mall. By the time we went home, I had been on my feet more or less three and half hours, which was more than enough. Right foot arch is giving me pain, in particular. By late in the day the pain med I took in the morning was wearing off too. And of course the weather change coming in.

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