the neighborhood: it's a mile from home to St Marys

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Yoga class today

As usual before I have to go out and do something, I slept poorly last night, but with Jon's help got out the door in plenty of time to get to class. With coffee in hand, so I didn't even fall asleep during the Savasana part at the end.

I forgot to note down the routine right away. It's always different. So let's see, it started as always with some stretching lying down, alternate arms and legs this time. Then we did the Warrior 1 pose and looked particularly at alignment for that. We usually do the Warrior 2 which has the back foot turned out a bit, and the hips turned somewhat sideways. But the Warrior 1 has the hips lined up facing forward, and toes too. Harder to balance, and Susi suggested we might need a slightly wider stance. Bending forward knee on exhale, keeping rear heel down, we did this a couple times on each side.

Then we spent quite some time on the Boat. Lying facedown (with towel to support forehead), lifting one leg then the other, then arms (by sides) and shoulders and all. Child's pose before and after. With knees spread for groin stretch.

Seems like we must have done more. All I can remember is the spine twist, lying down, with piriformus stretch. Shoulders on the floor with arms in a T position, lift as for Bridge with one leg, while the other side falls to turn hips sideways, then the bent leg comes over as far as possible to rest on the floor. Turn head the other way to extend twist to neck. Susi said I had that just about perfect, and I said I've been doing it a lot, which is more or less true. No more time then for Downward Dog, although I squeezed one in briefly just to show off, while then we got set up with our blankies and pillows for Savasana, the usual Corpse Pose with guided relaxation. No class for two weeks now until the next session starts. The person who talks all the time was fairly stifled for most of the class, which was a mercy.

I'm feeling pretty good today, and no pain meds. But I haven't had a walk yet.


  1. Random note: I'm applying for an internship at a physical therapy clinic with a few PTs who specialize in treating chronic pain
