the neighborhood: it's a mile from home to St Marys

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Kitty exercise

I actually got up at an ungodly hour this morning because kitty was crying, as she does, and I had the idea that if I had the exercise journal going, I could post a note here that she is getting lots more exercise than usual. In her age and decrepitude, she has begun playing again with string. Nice stretchy yarn. This cat hasn't been enticed by a string in ten years!

Then we found a giant rubber band, another favorite from her youth, tied it to one end of the yarn, and that is nearly endless fun, until she gets tired anyway. Partly I think because it is big enough for her to see quite well, even across the room. She has already torn the string in half so it had to be tied together again.

We tried a silk Xmas tree ball too, on another piece of string, but that is too tiring or annoying or small or something. She used to take these to bat and bounce around until they went down the stairs and got lost in the basement. Now she needs more interaction.

She chases counterclockwise (to the left) much easier than she circles right.

The more attention she gets, the more she seems to demand. Still she's keeping an eye on the bedrooms for more of her people to emerge.

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